Welcome to Deal Team USA

A team of acquisition entrepreneurs and seasoned M+A professionals working together
to find, fund, buy and grow great US-based companies.
Founded by a seasoned Acquisition Entrepreneur
to help other AE’s achieve their dream of business ownership.

It takes a team to buy a company.   

Join our team and we will partner with you to Find, Fund and Grow a great company together.  

Offering Joint Venture Acquisition Partnerships and other acquisition services to qualified acquisition entrepreneurs.  

We are Buyers, not Brokers.

You bring your skills, experience, character and ambition, and we provide the rest.  Deal Flow, Deal Structuring, Funding, Investors, Due Diligence, Closing and Ongoing Operational Support.  

Get plugged into our Deal Ecosystem and get a good deal closed...quickly. 


From Idea to Acquisition to Growth to Exit, we are your Business Lifecycle Partners. From the original dream to formulating a plan to finding a company to structuring the deal to funding to due diligence to close to transition, growth and exit, we are here to accelerate your success. Buying a company is a uniquely complicated process that can be mastered but will kick your butt the first time through if you don’t have a guide. In a world filled with chaos and unpredictability, our acquisition platform brings clarity, structure and results.

Operators First, Acquirers Second:

Acquiring a company, as hard as it is, only gets you on the playing field. The real challenge is to operate the acquired company successfully for maximum profit. With decades of experience operating and growing companies, we are operators first, and buyers second. Having extensive operational experience is critical to finding, structuring and acquiring companies.

For Buyers:

For Acquisition Entrepreneurs (AE’s) we offer: deal sourcing, both equity and debt funding, advisory services, JV Partnerships and everything else you will need to find, fund and close on an existing company. Come, join, learn, network and get access to deal flow, advice, funding and due diligence services.

For Sellers:

Ready to move on with life? We love to buy companies from retiring baby boomers. Have you reached a level of success that few have achieved? Have you reached $2-10MM in revenue and at least $500,000 in net earnings? We appreciate your hard work and want to preserve and build on your lasting legacy. Treasuring people over profits, customers relationships over spreadsheets and long term success over short term profits. We can work closely with you to create a Win-Win arrangement to give you a smooth transition to your next phase of life.

For Brokers:

Are you a business broker with good companies to sell at reasonable prices with motivated sellers? We are buying established profitable companies in most industries all across the US. Join up, get plugged in and access dozens of pre-qualified buyers with funding and Deal Teams supporting them. We love business brokers who add value to the process by effectively coaching and guiding their sellers through the process of preparing and selling their companies. Bring us your best listings and we will get them bought, or your membership is free.

For M+A Professionals:

For Industry Professionals we offer deal flow, networking, access to proprietary deal flow, buyers, seller, and all members of our acquisition ecosystem. We have membership profiles for advisors, seasoned pros, buyers, sellers, brokers, lenders, investors, attorneys, accountants, deal scouts, consultants, private equity firms, family offices, and others.

What We Are Not:

We are not M+A ‘guru’s. We have no courses to sell or masterminds to join. We do not push $0 deals or get rich quick schemes. And we won’t ever claim buying a profitable company is ‘easy’ or can be done by ‘anyone’. Don’t kid yourself, it’s ‘million dollar hard’.

Our System:

We have a system that works. It is repeatable and predicable. Not a pipedream, a real plan that works. It works for those with the baseline skills who are willing to work the plan. A method to find solid, proven companies. A method to structure win-win deals. A funding plan. And an operational and growth plan to transition and grow companies to higher levels of success.

It Requires:

Hard work, good credit and a small amount of $. Good character, interpersonal skills, some business experience and a good amount of grit. Nothing good in life comes without consistent and focused effort over a period of time. The large sums of money to be made in a successful acquisition are outside the norm and would not be available if it was easy.

The Results?

Deals getting done. Many start the journey, but few finish it. Separate yourself from the crowd, by stacking the odds in your favor and join a team of professionals who know the way and show the way. You set the goal, and we will be your navigator, walking before you through the acquisition minefield to reach financial freedom for your family.

A Team Approach:

Acquiring, and successfully operating, a company with millions of dollars in revenue requires dozens of skills and numerous resources. No one person contains them all. It takes a team. We are Deal Team USA. A team of ambitious acquisition entrepreneurs supported by industry professionals with decades of business experience, working hand in hand, on carefully assembled Deal Teams to find, acquire and grow great companies to new heights.

We Believe:

We believe in service to others, long term thinking, integrity, hard work, fairness, abundance, adding tangible value and sharing the benefits of success with those that helped make the dream become reality.

We believe in making friends for life and creating legacies our families will be proud of. If you have ambitions beyond the norm, goals others don’t understand and the willingness to lose sleep to achieve them, we invite you join the cause.

Join. Connect. And Get Deals Done.

Typical Acquisition Criteria:

Businesses come in many shapes and sizes. Since we have many buyers looking for different types of companies, we seek a very broad range of companies that fit the following general criteria:

Industries: We are open to most industries, with a few favorites and a few exceptions:

Favorites: Construction, manufacturing, home and industrial services

‘No Go’ Industries include: Restaurants, Amazon based companies, vice industries such as gambling and strip clubs, bars, Hotels, assisted living, retail, auto dealerships.

Prefer businesses that meet the following criteria, but not absolutely required:

  • 3+ years old

  • 10+ employees

  • Proven business model

  • Growing revenue/profits

  • Clear path to post closing growth

  • Reasonable prices, such as 2-4x SDE/Adjusted EBITDA.

  • Love businesses with dedicated real estate.

  • No start ups, distressed or turn around.

Location: We are focused on US based companies at this time, including all 50 states.

Seller Profile: Ideal seller is a retiring baby boomer who is selling for a personal lifestyle change. Desires to protect employees and preserve the legacy they have built. With reasonable price expectations and open to small amount of seller financing. Ready to close in 45 days.

Deal Size: As far as deal size goes, the companies we buy fall into 2 buckets:

First Bucket:

Companies with at least $500,000/year in annual earnings (SDE/EBITDA), that are fundable with SBA 7(a) funding, with Enterprise Values (sale prices) up to approx. $7,000,000. The ‘sweet spot’ for first time SBA buyers is around $3MM purchase price.

Second Bucket:

Deals with Enterprise Values(sale prices) of $10-100MM+. These are deals too large for SBA funding. These deals are for experienced professionals only as they require a high level of both operational and acquisition sophistication.

Take action today to reach your goals.

Join Deal Team USA today and get moving toward your goals.
Call: Set up a time to talk to us and get your questions answered. Provide phone number and link to calendar.

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